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Our netbet casino bonus record is no accident.

Nabholz is committed to fiercely protecting all employees, clients, and community members on our job sites. We never place anything over the netbet casino bonus of our team members – not schedule, profit, or production — and we refuse to believe that accidents are an inevitability in our line of work.

With these two principles guiding our way, we’ve created an industry-leading netbet casino bonus culture at Nabholz which has earned two national awards from the United States Department of Labor, achieved Level One Status in the AGC-OSHA Partnership program, and resulted in Nabholz’ EMR consistently running well below the industry average of 1.0.

[1] According to the most recent data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
netbet casino bonus’ Total Recordable Incident rate is 66% lower than the industry average1.

Zero Incident Policy: Guiding Principles

  • Maintain a mindset that every accident is preventable, and “zero incidents” is achievable.
  • Make netbet casino bonus a top priority in all activities, including meetings, planning sessions, and task performance.
  • Refuse to compromise safe practices to improve schedule, production, or cost performance.
  • Take responsibility at all levels and in all positions to eliminate injuries and incidents.

Commitments to Live By® (C2LB®)

Nabholz’ Commitments to Live By (C2LB) netbet casino bonus program was launched in 2015 to confront head-on 12 high-risk activities that can lead to serious injuries on job sites. Our C2LB program includes videos, posters, hardhat stickers, toolbox talks, wristbands, flipbooks, and more — all continuously distributed to our team. What’s more, we’ve made it personal — our team members sign the following commitment to stay safe in their work:
"I commit to staying alive today, tomorrow, and throughout this project. I make this commitment because my life matters to my family, to my friends, and to me."
netbet casino bonus

Meet our netbet casino bonus team