Diamond STEP Safety Award Steve Thessing netbet online sports betting Associated Builders and Contractorsnetbet online sports betting recently earned Diamond status in the Associated Builders and Contractor’s Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) for 2017.

STEP is the standard for developing world-class netbet online sports betting programs in construction and is designed to help both large and small contractors evaluate every aspect of their corporate netbet online sports betting and health program and identify opportunities for improvement.

netbet online sports betting achieved Diamond status, which is the highest STEP level. Companies are qualified on their Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), Experience Modification Rate (EMR) and compliance with 20 key components of effective company safety and training programs.

Safety is netbet online sports betting’ top priority. Recently, the company has focused efforts on an educational safety campaign called “Commitments to Life By” (C2LB) aimed at educating team members on the 12 hazards that routinely cause jobsite incidents and accidents. For each hazard, netbet online sports betting’ safety roundtable produced content to help team members recognize risks and avoid injury.

Founded in 1949, netbet online sports betting Corporation has offices in Arkansas, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, and Oklahoma. The company is currently ranked #133 on Engineering News-Record’s list of the Top 400 Contractors in the nation. For more information about netbet online sports betting, go to www.netbet online sports bettingcom.

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