netbet online sports betting

New netbet online sports betting

Nabholz has been serving clients as their netbet online sports betting manager and general contracting partner for over 70 years. We have experience with all different netbet online sports betting delivery methods, and regardless of which you choose for your project, Nabholz will leverage our financial strength and exceptional management practices for the best outcome for your project.

Delivery Methods

netbet online sports betting Manager At-Risk
Also known as CMAR, this delivery method entails a commitment by the netbet online sports betting manager to deliver the project within a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). The netbet online sports betting manager acts as consultant to the owner in the development and design phases (preconstruction phases), but as the equivalent of a general contractor during the netbet online sports betting phase.
The owner manages only one contract with a single point of responsibility. The designer and contractor work together from the beginning, as a team, providing unified project recommendations to fit the owner’s schedule and budget.
netbet online sports betting Management Agency
This delivery method is also known as netbet online sports betting Manager as Agent. Project contracts are made between the owner and the trade contractors. The netbet online sports betting Manager acts as an advisor to the owner for the owner’s management of the contracts.
Hard Bid
With the hard bid delivery method, the owner hires a designer/architect to draw up the project plans. After the plans are approved, the owner bids the work out to general contractors. The lowest bidder wins regardless of qualifications.

Key Client Sectors

We proudly serve clients in virtually all sectors, public and private. We’re also proud to say that we’ve built an impeccable reputation for our experience and market leadership in many key sectors.